Warnervale Airport is your gateway to one of the most spectacular areas for aviation in Australia. With beaches, lakes and mountains all within minutes of flying time from the runway, taking off from the Central Coast Aero Club’s base is an experience every pilot should make a regular part of their flight plans.

Warnervale is located about 50 minutes from the northern suburbs of Sydney or the Newcastle CBD via the M1 motorway. Access is via Jack Grant Avenue (off Sparks Road). Plenty of parking is available as are light refreshments.

The Central Coast is one of Australia’s most popular tourism regions. With a range of local attractions for all ages, as well as easy access to Sydney, the Hunter Valley and inland Australia, it’s the perfect base for aviators looking to take break.

YWVA is listed in ERSA (limited info), and also in the AOPA airfield directory.

Location World Aeronautical Chart: 3456
Lat: 33° 14.45′ S Long: 151° 25.84′ E
Elevation 25ft
Runway details Runway Direction: 20 / 02
Runway Surface: Sealed
Runway Length: 1196 metres with displaced threshholds at both ends
Lighting Electric, manually operated by arrangement
Communication frequencies CTAF 132.1
FIA (Sydney Centre) 125.8
Heliport Newcastle 132.1
Maitland & Cessnock 122.65
Local Traffic Information 1. Preferred runway 20 light and variable wind or direct crosswind.
2. Back-tracking on the runway is not permitted and pilots should vacate the runway as soon as practicable after landing.
3. Pilots should limit radio transmissions in the circuit to those necessary to provide traffic information and separation. Broadcast with intentions turning base is recommended.
4. Straight-in approaches are not permitted
Fuel Availability 100LL AVGAS available 7:30 to 16:30 daily
Landing If you are planning on flying into Warnervale, prior to your departure please contact Central Coast Council on 02 4392 4741 for an update on aerodrome conditions and airfield activity.
Landing Fees $16.85 (incl. GST) per landing / per tonne
*Fees are levied by Central Coast Council and are subject to change
Parking Hangarage and tie down available, contact CCAC for pricing
Services provided Flying training, joy flights, private aircraft hire, maintenance, fuel
Facilities available Clubhouse with tea and coffee, toilets and vending machines
Taxi Central Coast Taxis
131 008
Nearest Town Wyong, located 6 kms south
Accommodation Beachcomber Hotel – 02 4397 1300
Central Coast Motel – 02 4352 1975
Toukley Motor Inn – 02 4396 5666
Bridge View Motel – 02 4392 3355
Attractions Surf Beaches, Watagan Mountains, Hunter Valley, Old Sydney Town, Pelican feeding at The Entrance, Reptile Park, Tuggerah Lakes
Closest Shopping Centre Westfield Tuggerah