The CCAC Flying Competitions are held on the second Sunday of each month, kicking off at 12pm. All pilots, including students at any level are welcome to compete, as there is an instructor on board at all times.

Entry fee is $85 for current members. A BBQ lunch is provided.

The competitions are not only a great social day, but an excellent opportunity to keep your flight skills current, honed and tested. Competition requirements vary each month, but could include:

Forced landings

Engine, equipment & instrument failures

Blind circuits

Short & soft field takeoffs

Instrument navigation

Spot landings

Even if you aren’t competing, come along and enjoy the BBQ and watch the competition.

Flying competitions give you the opportunity to experience all aspects of flying in a controlled environment. Members regularly comment that the lessons they learn and experienced gained in competitions proves invaluable.

Best of all, the day is an opportunity to spend time with fellow members and aviation enthusiasts.